
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Recipe Wednesday - Healthy Version

It wasn't until the last month or so that I started cooking with kale.  I have read about it and how great it is, I have heard people talking about how good it is for you, but I never actually wanted to try it.  I have to be honest, the first time I saw kale in the store when I got it for a recipe, I thought, "this is going to be disgusting."  I'm still not 100% sold on it.  Don't ask me to take a big bite of kale and look at you with a smile on my face, obviously after I chew the kale.  If I'm going to have it, it better be chopped to the point that it is almost unrecognizable.  Call me picky, but that is the way it is.

My recipe this week, which we both really enjoyed, involves kale chopped to the point of almost nonrecognition.

This recipe was definitely easy, but did take some forethought.  I started the rice as soon as I got home since it has to cook for a little bit, and then went on about my normal routine of feeding the dogs, etc.  By the time I got back to the kitchen, the rice was almost done and everything else is easy!
This has lasted us through a couple of meals and it still good warmed up.   

In house news, we got our fence put up this week!!!!!!!!!!  There aren't enough exclamation marks to tell you how excited we are about this.  I know Buddy and Maya love it too.  They can finally run around the yard without us calling to them to come back all the time.  When neighbor dogs walk by, I don't have to worry about going on a 100 yard dash after Maya.  There are some other house updates too, but I will save those for another post. 

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