
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Finally, A Fence

It is true you don't know how much you take something for granted until it is gone.  Our previous home had a six foot privacy fence when we moved in.  Other than putting bricks in a couple of spots where boards were loose, we were able to turn Buddy loose on his own in the yard for hours.  When Maya joined our home, it was hard to get her to come in from outside.  She spent her first four months of life outside, so I think she feels at home outside.  Don't let her love of the outdoors fool you though, she will certainly make her home on any pillow she can find inside.

It took a month, but our fence is finally up at the new house; halleluiah!  I lost track of the number of times I had to run after Maya when she caught the scent of a squirrel and took off.  Our second weekend in this house, we had to coax the dogs out of the woods by shaking the treat container.  Buddy will run for treats, Maya just comes to see what Buddy is doing.  After we learned there was a fox in the woods, I grew increasingly concerned about the dogs getting loose in the woods.

It's nice to be able to have neighbor dogs walk by and not have to go running after Buddy and Maya.  Just last Saturday, I was standing out in my pajamas because they woke me up at 8:30 AM to go outside, and I had to chase both dogs to the front yard because they saw a dog and its owner running on the sidewalk.  That will teach me to go out in my pajamas.  Yes, before you judge, I was still sleeping at 8:30 AM on a Saturday morning; these are the things I enjoy before the years of kids waking us up at 6:00 AM on a weekend.

So, here you have the new fence.

Now that we have a clear outline for the yard, we look forward to pondering landscaping projects over the winter.  I think the one thing we are going to do this fall is plant a tree.  We want something that will eventually create some shade for the deck.  Perhaps we will plant the tree for our anniversary!  

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