
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

A Pinteresting Experiment

Now that we are in the new house, I am going to try and tackle my growing Pinterest boards.  I have accumulated a lot of pins over the last couple of months while I was on a project hiatus, but I'm excited to dig back in.

First up: towel refresh.  I don't know about your towels, but ours had a little bit of a smell to them.  I'm going to call it a boy smell.  Don't worry, Andrew knows I think boys make smelly towels.  I don't know what it is, but it is a problem.  Have no fear; Pinterest to the rescue!  Not only did this take the smell out of our towels, it made them so soft.  I'm telling you, these towels smelled so good when they came out of the dryer I wanted to put them in a pile on the floor and lay in them.  Ok, that might be a little extreme, but it is really nice to step out of the shower in the morning and have a clean smelling towel.  It is the simple things in life sometimes that I find pleasure in.

So, here is the pin.  I did this on a Wednesday when I was working from home so I could stay on top of the cycles.  Just another note, if you don't have a gigantic jug of vinegar in your home that is specifically for cleaning, you should probably get one.  I can't tell you the number of uses I have found for it. 

So, there you have the Pinterest project for this week.  Like I said, super easy and well worth the time. I'm going to try and get back into tackling my pins, so I hope to have more projects up here soon.  I'm working on some fall decoration ideas at the moment.

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