
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Fall Fun

I know I am a few days behind on the promised photos from outside, and I don't really have a good excuse.  X Factor and The Voice have been on, so I have been a little distracted by those.  I'm not really a fan of the fact they are on at the same time.  Last year, I was hooked on X Factor and when it ended, The Voice was on.  Now I must make a decision.... it is tough! 

I took a commercial break to run outside and snap some shots.  While I was out there I was reminded of all the things I love about fall.  I was a little bummed last week when we were in Wisconsin because there wasn't a ton of color yet on the trees.  I think it has been too warm still to really get the good fall color.  Our tree has started to change and I notice on my nightly walk with Buddy that the trees in the park are also starting to change!  I LOVE the fall weather, but more on that later. 

Here are some shots from the deck

The lower deck
 Upper deck
 The whole view of our summer yard work

While I was outside, I notice that my hydrangea's continue to bloom and they are looking amazing!  I got a variety that was supposed to be strawberry something or the other and were supposed to be white and pink blooms.  I was was pumped when I noticed they started to bloom, but a little let down when they only bloomed white.  Tonight, I noticed they weren't all white! 

Gorgeous!!!!  I can't wait to see them next summer.  They should be in bloom now until the first freeze. 

While I was taking pictures of these beauties, I noticed the tree was changing

It is time for fall inside too!  I have slowly been putting up our fall decorations.  I'm pretty sure Andrew thought I was pushing the seasons when I had fall decorations up before Labor Day, but I was ready and now, fall it almost here.  The first official day of fall is Saturday!  Here are a couple of our fall decorations

I took some branches from our yard, painted them black and made some ghosts to hang on them! 

This particular decoration has been around for as long as I can remember.  My mom had a decoration for every holiday I loved and reminds me of my childhood.  This is my favorite Halloween decoration, for Christmas I have several decorations I love, Easter is the bunny cottage (stick around until then and I will be sure to post a picture). 

The wedding wreath lives on! 

 I bought this urn on clearance and I love changing it around for every season.  I can't wait to put some greenery in it for Christmas!

My new purchase this year! 

Here are a few other things I am looking forward to this fall:
The pumpkin patch
Apple cider
Pumpkin pie 
Sunday and Monday and Sometimes Thursday Football 
The release of the new Taylor Swift Cd--- ok, this is isolated to this fall 
The end of allergy season
The end of this campaign season!

What do you guys love about fall?  

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