As if the projects in our house could come to an end, I decided to paint the stairs tonight. I’m not a fan of the steep stairs in our house, but I thought at least if I could give them a fresh coat of paint they might be prettier to look at.
I found this idea a while ago, but didn’t feel it would work for the kitchen.
I opted to do something a little different rather than painting the steps all one color; I painted them grey and white. I used the grey from our kitchen to paint the treads and some white paint we had in the basement to paint the risers. They look so much better now! We will have to see what Andrew thinks when he gets home. I am always doing something when he is at work.
When Andrew comes home from work I find it rather fun to see if he can figure out what I did to the house that night. Last night, while Andrew was at work, I replaced the towel ring in the bathroom and hung a towel bar in the bathroom behind the door. For now, we have to use a stand toilet paper holder in the bathroom because there really isn’t a good place to put a toilet paper holder on a wall or cabinet. I hate it when you just have those things that you have to find some kind of workaround for. Does anyone else find that annoying? Also annoying, are the dishes I have to go do. They seem to multiply. I swear they sprout legs, climb out of the cabinets, and run around the kitchen screaming. Ok, maybe that isn’t what happens, but it keeps life interesting.
Stay tuned to see what other projects I come up with!
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