Try as I might, I couldn't keep Izzy from turning three. Her birthday weekend was full of fun, laughter and celebration. It's hard to believe we have a three year old on our hands. Three years of watching her grow and and develop into the toddler she is today.
Izzy's birthday "wants" reminded me to enjoy the little things. We was more interested in balloons and underwear for her third birthday than anything else. I loved watching her excitement on her birthday morning when she saw her balloons waiting for her in the kitchen. I'm pretty sure the weekend was one continual sugar rush for her... cupcakes at daycare on Friday, cake and homemade ice cream on Saturday for her birthday party, and leftover cake for days afterward. I'm currently dealing with toddler meltdowns over the fact that her balloons have started "falling down" despite my assurance that she can have more balloons for her next birthday.
Thinking back over the last year, Izzy has really developed and established her personality. She and I go head to head quite a bit. Two strong willed ladies in the same house feels like a standoff from an old western movie at times. We are in full on meltdown mode over the wrong cup, wrong snack, wrong stuffed animal or the wrong look. I frequently hear her tell me "you're not the teacher"...
We are in the beginning stages of potty training. She wants to wear big girl underwear like all of her friends, but still hasn't fully embraced the idea that she needs to go on the big girl potty in order to do that. She wants to wear pullups, but pullsups are expensive diapers, so I allow it when she tells me she needs to go potty and then actually does go on the potty. She is hit or miss at this point, but I think we are on our way with things.
Her vocabulary and language skills is both amazing and terrifying. When your threenager throws words like "actually" or "probably" into everyday conversation like a boss, I realize how much of my conversations she listens to. Not much gets by this girl; she has a mind like a steel trap and a memory for pretty much anything and everything I say.
I still try to keep her away from the screens as much as possible. She loves to read and I frequently find her sitting with a stack of books. Some of her books we have read so much now that she has them memorized and can "read" them to herself. She also loves to color and put stickers all over everything. Thank goodness for the $1 section at Target and its constant supply of stickers! She is definitely an outdoor girl. She loves getting her hands dirty. She was more interested in climbing the trees while we were taking her three year pictures and than she was in sitting still for posed pictures.
I planned to post this after Izzy had her three year checkup with the doctor so I could report in on her weight and height. Her appointment was filled with screaming and crying, and that wasn't just me. She didn't want to get on the scale, so dad had to hold her and we used out math skills to estimate she is weighing in around 35 or 36 pounds. She had no interest in standing against the wall so we could measure her. I think she is standing about 37 ish inches tall. I was having hot flashes by the time we left the doctors office and couldn't wait to get out of there. I'd like to say her last dentist appointment went better than the three year checkup did, but that would make me a liar.
Since this is so delayed, I might as well throw an update on about Christmas too while I'm at it.
Christmas was a whirlwind! I didn't get done with finals until the 19th of December. By that point I was ready to hide for a few days. Alas, when you have a threenager, there's no time for that. We had Christmas concerts to attend, cookies to make, presents to wrap, and sugar induced meltdowns to be had. I know they say some day I will miss all this..... how sure are we on this? Really though, watching the pure joy on her face as she unwrapped presents was pretty amazing.
Izzy was a lot more involved in Christmas this year. She loved unwrapping all her presents. Last year she still wasn't quite sure what to do. This year she learned the art of waiting for others to unwrap their presents too. I also had to explain to her that not all presents are for Izzy when she tried opening a gift I bought for a friend. Not sure how much of that conversation she understood, but we had it nonetheless.
To end, I leave you with some adorable photos of Izzy, because we could all use more cuteness in our lives!
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