
Tuesday, October 31, 2017

13 months Old

It was another eventful month for Izzy.  We had a lot of fun celebrating all the fall festivities with her.  She was a little too young last year to do anything but sleep through Trick-Or-Treat, and we weren't about to drag a one month old out to the pumpkin patch last year (nor did I feel like moving more than 10 ft at a time at that point).  

We kicked off this month with a trip to the orchard.  It was chilly, but Izzy had a fun time playing in the dirt and helping grandma and grandpa pick out pumpkins! 

Izzy joined one of her friends out at Living History Farms for a fun Trick-Or-Treat event.  Our cute little strawberry had a great time.  She was quite selective with her candy, and was not a fan of anyone trying to take it from her.  I think she enjoyed the animals in the petting zoo the most. It was fun to watch her trying to pronounce the names of the animals.  She seemed to identify a few of them, but can't quite pronounce their names.  Of course dog is an animal she can identify the most.  "Do" is all we get out of her though.  

Izzy rounded out the month by helping daddy hand out candy last night, and than participating in her daycare Halloween costume parade today!  

Izzy has't physically grown much this month.  She only weighs a few ounces more, and is the same length as last month.  However, her little mind is working away.  Her favorite phrase right now is "uh-oh".  Of course, that means she also enjoys throwing things on the floor so she can say "uh-oh".  Meal time has turned into a battle in an effort to not feed the dogs everything on Izzy's plate.  Some days, I just give up on my efforts.  

We have also discovered the fine art of temper tantrums.  Most of the time, I just have to walk away.  Usually if we go into full on melt down mode, I know it's because she is exhausted.  

I finally put away the rest of her 9 month clothes.  There were a few things she was still fitting into, but it was time to move up to 12 and 18 month clothes.  She is in separate sizes for the most part in tops and bottoms.  She is wearing 12 month pants (unless the pants are cut slim) and 18 month tops (for the length and room through the shoulders).  She is no doubt built like her parents.  We moved her up to size 5 shoes over the last few weeks.  Apparently, this is a popular size in toddler shoes because finding shoes in her size at a consignment shop is difficult.  I have made a few lucky finds though! I have to remind myself that the shoes need to be functional more than they need to be cute.  Consignment shopping has become a new addiction of mine.  When I know she isn't going to wear clothes for more than a few months, I have a hard time paying more than a few dollars for tops and bottoms.  I have scored some amazing finds at a couple of local consignment shops.  

I spotted a couple more teeth popping through over the last week or two, including a molar.  I don't know if it's the change in temps, or her teeth coming through, but we have been dealing with a runny nose for the last week and an extra crabby disposition.  

This next month we will be partaking in Thanksgiving festivities.  In many ways, this feels like Izzy's first round of holidays since she wasn't really conscious to the world last year.  She's much  more interactive this year, and most of the time a lot more fun!

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