
Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Pregnancy Update: Week 33

We made it into the 40 some odd days remaining until baby girl arrives range of time.  I say it every week, but where has the time gone?  I look at posts on facebook of people who have just found out they are pregnant and think holy cow, that was us only a few months ago.  Now I have this giant belly and a baby kicking me all the time.  Pretty soon, she will be out in the world and I will wonder where all the time went when she was baking.  With everyone posting their first day back to school pictures of their little ones, I know that's going to be us in the blink of an eye.  Is time seriously speeding up?

For all the weeks that were really pretty low key with baby related items, this past week as well as the current week are packed full.  This is going to be the new norm for the next few weeks as we get ready for the home stretch.  When I made my to do list with due dates for things back in July, September 1st seemed like it would never come, but it is right around the corner.  Honestly, I'm not complaining.  I love fall.  Fall is football and cooler weather.  Fall means scarves become an acceptable accessory again.  It also means fires in the fireplace, leaves falling, warm coffee..... I could go on for a while!

The highlight of week 33 for me was my beautiful baby shower hosted by some wonderful friends.  Luckily, my mom graciously allowed us ladies to invade her house on Sunday afternoon.  That was no small task considering she had been leading training at work all week and probably really just wanted to collapse on the couch for the weekend.  I owe a huge thank you to everyone for making the day so special.  It makes the whole pregnancy seem more real and drives home that this baby will be here before we know it!

Here's the week 33 bump photo I snapped before running out the door to my shower on Sunday.

I often forget just how far out I stick out in the front now.  I can't squeeze through spaces like I used to.

I think I only snapped one photo at my shower on Sunday.  I need to collect photos that others took; if you have some, send them to me!

  Of course the photo I took was of the cake because I love cake, and what's not to love about this one!  The cake looked adorable and was quite delicious!

Sunday wasn't the only busy day this past weekend, the whole thing was quite a packed.  We ended up running out to the fair for a couple of hours on Saturday.  It was such a beautiful day out, I couldn't resist.  We didn't do a ton a walking, but we did do enough to make sure I got my corn dog and funnel cake in.  We also came home with a bucket of cookies, which is my other must have!  Let's see if we venture out to the fair next year with a ten month old!

During week 33, we finished up our birth plan in preparation for our meeting with our doula this week.  This will be our final meeting with her before the big day arrives!  I also went through all the baby clothes we had accumulated to get a better idea of what sizes we have and what we still need.  I don't want to be doing laundry every day, but I also know she is going to grow so stinking fast.  It's hard not knowing what size she will be when she is born.  Andrew was a premmie and I was born 10 days late at almost 10 lbs and wearing 3 month clothes when I left the hospital.  Those two opposites aren't much help.  Maybe we will get lucky and she will be in the solid seven pound range!  That's what I'm going to keep telling myself!

As for my symptoms and cravings this week, they remain about the same.  I still can't get enough milk.  I drink a big glass with breakfast and have several dairy items throughout the day including yogurt and cottage cheese.  I have also been on a huge fruit kick most of the summer.  If a bowl of fruit is in front of me, it will disappear.  Grapes, peaches, and strawberries seem to be my go to fruits.  I'm really ready for some good honeycrisp apples, which should be showing up here soon.

Baby girl remains quite active.  She usually has an active period during the late morning and then again starting around 7 or 8:00 at night.  I told Andrew this better not mean she is going to be a night owl like he is.  If that's the case, I will send them both down to the basement and she call fall asleep to the sweet sounds of whatever xbox game Andrew happens to be playing that night!   Meanwhile, I'll be up sleeping with the dogs who know that a normal bedtime is 10:00!

This week, we have our 34 week appointment with our midwives.  Only one more every other week appointment after this and then we move to appointments every week.  As I mentioned, we also have our final meeting with our doula this week when we will go over our birthing plan and what to do when labor begins.  Andrew and I both took a day off this week, so we are going to finish up our registry shopping; let the nesting begin!

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