
Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Pregnancy Update Week 32

We finished up week 32 on Sunday this past weekend.  Once again, it was a fairly uneventful week in pregnancy land, but at this point no news is good news.  We had our 32 week appointment with our midwives last week,  and finally got to meet the second midwife in the group.  I'm not sure how we made it 32 weeks into this pregnancy without meeting her, but we did.  Luckily, we hit it off with her and now feel comfortable that we will be in good hands no matter which midwife is on call when we deliver. 

Our little lady was measuring right on track again at this appointment.  Her heart rate is settling in right in the 140's typically.  While they were listening this time she got excited and jumped up to the 160's, but came right back down and settled into the 140's.  They were glad to see her spike and come back down, and assured us this is a sign of a healthy baby.  We only have a couple more appointments at every other week and then right after Labor Day we start having appointments every week. 

I'm still having the same issues with swelling in my feet and ankles; my right is always worse than my left.  I asked the midwife about it again last week, and she basically said it's par for the course when you are pregnant in the summer.  My hands and face aren't swelling and my blood pressure remains low, so they aren't too worried about me at this point. 

I have noticed the "furnace effect" the last week or so.  I normally run pretty cool.  Andrew laughs that I'm the only person he knows who wears a scarf and sweatshirt in the middle of summer.  I haven't been quite that bad this summer, and I have noticed myself walking around in a tank top more often.  I have also been sleeping no covers on most of the night, which is a huge change for someone who is used to sleeping with ten blankets on.  We have the ceiling fan going in our bedroom as well as a fan sitting on the floor, and it still doesn't seem to be cool enough.  I would say this little lady is for sure producing a little extra heat!  Thank goodness we had a pretty nice balance accumulated this year for our budget billing, or I would hate to see what our electric bill might be the next time they review our account. 

Here is the week 32 bump picture.  I have to say, this picture makes my bump look quite large.  Most of the time it doesn't feel quite that bad. 

Last week, I finally finished one of the books I have been reading about natural child birth.  It was an excellent read, and one I would highly recommend for anyone considering a natural hospital delivery.  The book is Natural Hospital Birth: The Best of Both Worlds by Cynthia Gabriel.  The book does a wonderful job of walking the reader though each stage of labor and birth as well as a few tips on what to expect after.  I know I will be using it quite a bit when I sit down to write our birth plan this week.

Something I have been missing during these warm summer months is a nice, refreshing adult beverage. While it isn't quite the same, I picked up a delicious sangria tea at Starbucks this week. I have to say, it hit the spot!

Week 33 is looking to be pretty low key for the most part.  I'm looking forward to my shower on Sunday and spending time with a lot of awesome friends!  I also think I might have Andrew talked into going out to the fair one evening.  I explained to him that I really NEED a bucket of chocolate chip cookies, and a corn dog, a funnel cake, an apple turnover... you get the idea.  I have my needs, and he takes pity on me!  I think the saving grace will be the cool temps in the forecast for this weekend.  On my to do list this week is getting our bedroom cleaned.  My need to clean has kicked into high gear, and I have made lists of everything to clean before October.  Of course, cleaning takes a little longer these days when I have to take a short rest every twenty to thirty minutes! 

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