Did you all survive the heat last week without melting? I think I spent most of the week inside. Although, after our 28 week appointment and the weight gain I had from my appointment a month prior, I decided I needed to get my buns moving again and drop the donut out of my hand! I made it a point to take the dogs on a walk three nights last week. It was good for the dogs to get out, and I know I needed the extra steps! As part of our wellness program at work, we each received a Fitbit Charge HR. I wasn't sure how I would feel about using it or if I would even use it on a regular basis. However, I have been pretty diligent about putting it on every morning. While I'm certainly not getting my 10,000 steps in every day, I do try to get between 4,000 and 5,000 in. A nightly walk with the pups certainly helps that number! My hourly trips up the stairs to go to the bathroom don't hurt either! Hopefully with regular walks, Buddy can get rid of the weight he added on from all the soft food and hot dogs he got while he was sick, Maya can burn off her extra energy, and I can keep from gaining too much more weight the last part of this pregnancy.
There is not much to report as far as changes in symptoms this week. I have had continued swelling in my ankles. Occasionally I have some swelling in my hands, but that seems to only be in the morning and goes down as the day goes on. Honestly, swelling in my hands isn't unusual for me; I link it more to my allergies than anything else. I have had swelling in my hands related to allergies for as long as I can remember, and it typically starts to flare this time of the year.
I continue to feel like a stuffed turkey on Thanksgiving. I have tried to start eating smaller meals more often. Also since my last midwife appointment, I have tried to do a better job of eating healthier. I'm trying to get in lots of fruits and veggies. Thank goodness for sweetcorn, peaches, strawberries and grapes! I love this time of year and all the awesome fresh produce we get to enjoy.
I made a couple of fun baby purchases this week. There were a few books I wanted to pick up for her before she was born. I picked up the first a couple of weeks ago and bought the second this weekend. Saturday, Barnes & Noble was having a special where members got 20% off rather than the typical 10% off on books. We also had a coupon for 20% off a single item to use before the end of the month! I do love a good bargain. I bought The Complete Tales of Winnie-The-Pooh and The Complete Peter Rabbit collectible editions. We hope to add more books from the collectible editions to her collection over the years.
I endured the heat on Saturday to run a couple of errands. I have been on the hunt for a couple more tank tops to make it through the summer with. It seems the heat is here to stay, and we haven't even made it into August yet. Luckily, I have been able to find some good deals because I refuse to pay full price for maternity clothes. I found myself at Old Navy and stumbled upon the clearance section for baby clothes. Unfortunately, it's really hard to know what size this little girl will be wearing by next spring/summer. I was able to find some sets of newborn and infant socks, which I knew we will use. I also picked up some 3-6 month pants, a "my first Easter" outfit and a swimsuit that will hopefully fit our little girl next summer! Her dresser drawers seem to be filling up with clothing, but I'm trying to buy a variety of sizes that might cover her throughout her first year.
We haven't put anything up on the walls yet in the nursery, but we did get the rocking chair moved into the nursery this weekend thanks to my parents! Other than an ottoman, that was the last major piece of furniture we needed to move into the nursery. The chair was actually in my nursery when I was a baby! Now that the rocking chair is in the nursery, we can get everything situated and hang everything up on the walls.
To round out week 29, here is the growing bump. Yes, I realize I have worn the same sweater now for the past month. It's the one I wear pretty much every day while working because it is thin, yet gives me enough warmth to sit in our icebox basement all day and work. Unfortunately, feeling like a heater isn't something I have experienced this pregnancy.
During week 30, we have our next midwife appointment. This should be a
pretty routine appointment. Hopefully, the scale will be a little nicer
to me this appointment! We also have our birthing class on Sunday from
1:00 to 6:30 PM with a tour of the birthing unit after. I'm really
looking forward to the class and the tour. I hope we can get a lot of
our questions answered about where to go and what to do when the big day
finally arrives. I know we need to get pre-registered at the hospital
here shortly, and hopefully they will walk through that with us this
weekend as well. We have now decided on a daycare. The place we visited last Tuesday was by far our favorite, and we will be sending in our registration paperwork this week to make sure our little lady has a spot this fall. As a huge bonus, the daycare is about five minutes from our house. I'm still working on talking Andrew into maternity photos, but I hope to do those in mid September.
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