
Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Pregnancy Update: Week 26

I hope everyone had a fun and safe 4th of July weekend.  It was nice to have some extra time off from work, and we were quite productive with the extra time!  This was the first weekend since May we had the entire weekend with nothing planned.  Sometimes you just need a weekend like that.

Andrew had Friday off, and our offices closed at noon on Friday, so we spent the afternoon working in the basement.  After my minor meltdown early last week when Andrew asked me where things from the nursery were being relocated, he humored me and put some additional storage up in the basement.  We had actually been talking about doing it for a while, but it wasn't on the top of our list.  Check out all the extra space it created!!

It may not look like a ton in the photo, but every little bit helps.  That storage on top of the built ins Andrew put in previously have been a huge help.  Before, we were seriously lacking on storage space.  Speaking of the built ins, we also got the doors hung on one wall of the built ins on Friday.  I'm going to brag on my handy husband here for a minute.  These built ins turned out beautifully.  I'm so grateful to have a husband who knows his way around a workshop.  The doors for the other wall of built ins are currently being constructed, but hopefully in the next few weeks we will have them all up.  

This weekend I finally had my phone outside with me, so I could take a picture of our big spring project.  Last year was the bathroom remodel, this year we put up a shed.  The shed has allowed us to get a lot of extra junk out of the garage so Andrew has more work for his woodworking.  We have agreed my car can sit out for short periods of time, but he can't completely take over the garage on a permanent basis.

Huge thanks to all our family and friends who came 
out to help us get this beast up.  

All done... almost.  Don't mind that paint spill we had 
on the ramp.  Eventually we are going to stain that.  

 The potting bench Andrew built 

Andrew had to have the one with the loft. 

Our final project for the weekend was getting the nursery ready to paint this coming weekend.  We wanted to get everything pulled out, patch all the holes up, and sand the walls down.  It looks a little naked in the nursery right now, but I know it's going to look amazing after this weekend! 

As far as the pregnancy progression this week, week 26 was a lot like week 25.  No more cramps in my legs last week, thank you bananas!  I also had almost a full week of no swelling in my feet and ankles thanks to the cooler temps here last week.  Can't say the same about the forecast for this coming week.  Andrew was actually able to feel a pretty good kick out of ms. thang this last week.  I also got to experience her first hiccups, that was a crazy feeling.  It's getting increasingly difficult to bend over, but I have found ways around out.  It stinks not being able to bend over and pet the dogs, but they have no problem climbing up on me any time I sit down.  It's taken some work with them not to walk across my stomach, but they have really been pretty good about it.  

I finally hit my wall last week with this pregnancy and realizing we have a baby on the way.  Yes, it took 26 weeks.  Don't worry, Andrew gave me the deer in the headlights look when I told him this.  He wasn't sure what took so long.  For a long time, it was pretty easy to forget because I didn't feel pregnant.  Now, I feel pregnant and we are getting closer and closer to October.  I'm not sure if it was trying to plan meetings for work a few months out and realizing I might be out on maternity leave at that point, or reading one too many articles on Pinterest that did it.  I was sitting at lunch one day last week though and it just kind of hit me like a ton of bricks.  I feel like I'm finally in the right mental space to move forward with the nursery and getting everything ready for our new family member to arrive.

We continue on our hunt for daycare.  We have a couple more visits with centers in the coming weeks.  I'm still on the hunt for a possible in home daycare as well.  I asked Maya if she could babysit her new sister, but she wasn't going for it! 

This coming week, I'm looking forward to getting the nursery painted.  I'm not actually doing the painting, Andrew and his mom will be working on that this weekend.  I can't wait to see how it turns out!  I really can't wait to start getting furniture put in the room.  I'm also planning to get several of my decor projects done this weekend that I have been putting off.  I really didn't want to do them until I had somewhere to put them when they were done.  I will be working on those while the room is being painted.  Looking into week 28, we will officially be in the third trimester!  We have a pretty busy baby week next week with our 28 week checkup and our baby finance class.  

Finally, here is the week 26 bump picture. This week baby is the size of a head of lettuce!

   Don't mind the t shirt and sweatpants look.  I was doing
some cleaning this weekend as well.


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