
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

A Few Updates Around The House

I have been working on a few updates around the house.  Actually, these updates weren't totally my doing. 
The first is an updated coffee station.  In an effort to get things off the counters, I wanted to move my Keurig onto the coffee station with the other coffee maker.  However, there wasn't enough room to have them both on the existing coffee station.  I went on the hunt for a new coffee station, but couldn't find anything that fit the bill.  I found something that was in the right price range, but wasn't tall enough.  My husband, being the crafty man that he is, created a pedestal for the shelf to sit on so it was the height we were looking for.  I was on a work trip last week, and Andrew surprised me by having my new coffee station put together! 

The Old Coffee Station

The New Coffee Station - purchased at Target

The other recently updated item in the house are the curtains in the dining room.  After almost two years of living here, we finally finished curtains in one room!  I have been debating the curtains for a while, but I'm pleased with how these turned out.  I had to improvise when my original plan didn't work.  

I wanted to show off the bay window in the front room, and I feel like the curtains now accomplish that goal.  The red side curtains were purchased from Target as well as the valance.  The sheers in the middle were purchased from JC Penny.  The curtains all had to be ordered online since they are the 95 inch length, which most stores don't carry in stock.  Don't mind the clutter on the table.

And finally, we have new lamps in our bedroom.  The lamp on Andrew's nightstand was shorting out.  So, before we started an electrical fire, I wanted to get the lamps replaced.  I spotted a lot of good options at TJ Maxx.  The lamps we ended up with were on clearance for $29.99 each.  Compared to prices elsewhere, I think these were a bargain.   


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