Next up on our trip was Target. Yes, we were standing in line before it opened. We stood in line for about 30 minutes before getting into the store, but it really wasn't terrible. Hats off to Target for conducting a very organized Black Friday. Luckily, the items we were picking up weren't exactly hot ticket items. The main reason I was at Target was to grab some great deals on DVD's and CD's. I walked around Target for a while after getting what we went in for while trying to talk myself out of purchasing a Dyson vacuum cleaner, and a Keurig coffeemaker. The Keurig was on sale for $99 with a offer of a giftcard at Target. Man did I want that coffeemaker bad, but I don't need it. One might argue I didn't NEED anything I went out and got on Black Friday. I have a perfectly fine coffeemaker at home which will last me many years, so I convinced myself I didn't need a second coffeemaker. In total, I was at Target three times in a 24 hour period. We were there once for Black Friday, once to do grocery shopping at 6:00 AM, and once to pick up a few other quick groceries. Every time I was in the store, I forced myself to walk out without the Keurig.
Next up on our list was Younkers where we scored a deal on some pants for Andrew for work. We got three pairs of pants for the price of one! Younkers was a whole new set of temptation for me. I again had to talk myself out of the Keurig and also out of the Starbucks Verismo system. I made it out of the store safely without any purchases of my own. We walked the mall for a while trying to decide if we were going to stay up for round two of Black Friday shopping at Lowes, or go home and catch a few hours of sleep first. While we were walking around, I was wondering where on earth the parents of all the teenage kids at the mall were. Did these kids parents seriously just drop them off?
After the mall, we opted to go home and grab some shut eye before heading to Lowes. We set the alarm for 3:30 AM and passed out. 3:30 came a little to soon for me, but I made some coffee and sucked it up. Lowes was our major spot to hit. We were in the Lowes parking lot by 4:15 for the 5:00 AM opening. Luckily, people hadn't totally lost their minds and were staying in their cars. It wasn't until about 15 minutes before they opened that we went out to wait in line. Major kudos to our Lowes for their customer service on Black Friday. We were greeted outside the store with Dunkin Donuts, hot chocolate, and a propane heater. I liked our Lowes (it is five minutes from our house, so it is ours) before, but they just scored major points in my book! When the doors opened, we beelined it straight to our destination: Table Saws!!
Andrew is now the proud owner of a Kobalt table saw. Funny story with this saw; there was only one in the store because they didn't get their shipment in. So, Andrew got the one and only saw they had. We scored it for $179, which was $100 off regular price. We walked around the store for a while so Andrew could talk himself out of purchasing more tools. I had to again talk myself out of a Dyson vacuum cleaner as well as a new fridge and a new washer and dryer.
I would say we had a pretty successful Black Friday and managed to not get too carried away with our purchases. Anyone have any super good deals they scored? I love to hear about good deals!
Our garage is quickly filling up with tools!
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