
Monday, August 27, 2012

Yard Work Update

As promised, here is an update on the yard work.  With weddings the last four weekends, we were happy to have a weekend to finish up some of the projects we had going.  Our main goal was to get the side yard project finished since we have been working on that all summer.  Thankfully, it was a cooler day out so we didn't die out in the heat.  I would love to have this post also include a finished deck, but that didn't happen this week.  I worked on it a little at a time last week, but then it rained on Saturday all day and the deck had to dry out again on Sunday.  Maybe that's what we will finish on Monday for the holiday! 

We still have some mulching to do around the flowers, but things are really coming together.  I'm not sure we are going to plant much more this year, I might though.  The funds are running at little dry from the nine million lbs of brick we bought this year. 

Check out the steps Andrew made!

Here is the full view

And from the other way..

you can see where we need some more mulch.  We will get that finished up before the end of the year.  I also want to plant some bulbs so we have spring color!

There is your update for tonight.  Tomorrow night I may post, but after that, no promises are being made until next week.


  1. The path looks great! You guys did an awesome job :)

    1. Thanks! We think it turned out pretty nice. It was a lot of hard work though.
