
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Project #2 The Front Yard

Our next project we decided to tackle was the front yard.  It was kind of a mess when we moved in.  There was some kind of tree bush thing on one side next to the window that we didn't like, so we took that out.  There was a peony bush and some hostas is some kind of formation in the front corner of the yard, but it kind of looked like someone just stuck them in the ground.  Needless to say, the yard needed some TLC and some finish work.  We realized about half way through the project that we didn't get very good before photos, but here is what we have:

A few random hostas and some weeds to go along

This is the end of day one

The Final Product!

Next up is the back yard.  There are several projects we want to tackle back there and we really aren’t sure where to start.  When we moved in, it was kind of a mess.  There were weeds and trash everywhere.  The decks needs to be cleaned, stained/sealed in a bad way.  The grass needs work, the fence needs repaired…
Here is a little taste of what we are working with:
Here is Buddy holding down the fort in the back as a cat walks on our fence

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