Izzy had another big month this month. She experienced her first state fair. She tried a few bites of funnel cake, some delicious port, a pickle, some ice cream from Bauders. She even managed to get a nap in during her state fair trip.
Izzy continues to work on her walking and is now running around when she is in the house. She's quick; it amazes me how fast she can get places.
Unfortunately, we had another month where we we had to be out of daycare for a day. Some stomach bug, which also landed us a trip to the doctor to get a return slip for daycare. Luckily, we haven't been there since early in the year for an illness.
On the bright side, we got to officially weigh and measure Izzy for her 11 month milestone. She is officially weighing 23 lbs and 14 oz. She measures 30 3/4 inches tall. We just finished all her size 3 diapers and moved to size 4. She is in mostly 12 month and 12-18 month clothing. She has a few 9 month shorts that are still pretty big on her. Once again the variation in clothing sizes amazes me. A lot of this month was spent working on her upper two front teeth; they have really been kicking her butt.
Izzy is becoming quite daring these days. For those following me on Facebook, you saw the photo last week of Izzy climbing on the dishwasher. Watching her get off was quite entertaining.
She has figured out how to climb the stairs, but is pretty good about listening when I say no. We have a gate to put up at the bottom of the stairs, but I don't like to put it up all the time because that is the Buddy and Maya's only safe access to water. No doesn't always work with Izzy. Sometimes she just looks at me and smiles when I say it. She is doing a great job of testing her boundaries these days. Her personality is really starting to come through. She's fiercely independent (can't imagine where she got that from), strong willed and determined. She can be quick to anger when you interrupt something she is "working on". Her smile lights up the room. Just like her daddy, her blue eyes sparkle and can make everything better. Her laugh is infectious and I often hear it throughout the day even when she isn't with me.
It's amazes how such a tiny person can truly turn life upside down. There are days she drives me to the end of my rope. However, I can't imagine life without her smile in it. We are continuing on with our nursing journey; just one month shy of my goal. I thought Izzy had night weaned a few months ago, but now that these teeth broke through, she's back on the bandwagon. I'm not sure how long we will continue our nursing journey beyond her first birthday, but I do enjoy the bond with her. Back in May, I decided to invest in a keepsake to remind myself of the bond she and I have shared this first year of her life. I found a semi-local jewelry maker who specializes in breast-milk jewelry.
Some of the women who shared their stories about why they got jewelry made were inspiring. Women who lost their babies but continued pumping to provide for other babies in need. Women who has nursed for a decade or more combined for multiple children. Getting 11 months in to the journey, I appreciate the commitment it takes to breastfeed over the long haul.
This next month is going to be a whirlwind, I imagine. Izzy started off her 11th month by moving to the toddler room at daycare. So far, so good. Aside from a few bites from other kiddos in her new room, she seems to be fitting in well. We are gearing up to head off on Izzy's first big adventure across state lines. Actually, it will also be Buddy and Maya's first adventure out of the state with us. It will be interesting for sure! We are all excited about it. Trying to coordinate travel gear for two adults, a child and two dogs is A LOT different than it was when it was just Andrew and I.
Of course before we know it, I will be writing Izzy's one year update. Excuse me while I go cry in the corner now....
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