We made it through our first half year of parenthood! It's been a ride so far, and I know it's only going to get better from here. We had a pretty exciting month; lots of developments.
Unfortunately, we kicked the month off with some sort of respiratory junk that was going around at daycare. I seriously questioned if the kids at daycare are ever "healthy". It seems there is always one kid with something. After a trip to the doctor, we found ourselves with a five day dose of Prednisone. Apparently, we weren't the only ones with that prescription. It took three pharmacies to find the meds. Luckily, whatever she had seemed to clear up pretty quick and she was back up and running in no time. Unfortunately, she was sleeping in the rock and play to help with the congestion and we are still suffering from that bad habit...
As of last check, our not quite so little lady was weighing in at 18 1/2 lbs and measuring about 27 1/2 inches. Once again, I was trying to cram her into clothes for too long, and we almost missed the 6-9 month window. She is still in six month pants; 9 month pants pretty much just fall off of her. She actually still has a few pairs of 3-6 month pants that fit. It's crazy how much the different brands of clothes vary in size. I have been hitting the clearance racks and trying to stock up on clothes for next fall and winter. I'm banking on her being in 18 and 24 month clothing, so let's hope she sticks with that, or I'm in trouble. I also hit up a big consignment sale at the fairgrounds a few weekends ago and was able to score some good deals on summer clothes.
Onto the fun stuff... Izzy's latest trick; sitting up! She can't pull herself up without help just yet, so she only sits up when we put her that way. She is also still working on her core, so she topples over if she leans too far to one side. In the last week, she has figured out how to turn her head to look at something behind her without falling over.
A few weeks ago, we finally saw Izzy roll over for the first time. I figured she could do it, but she was being shy. Now that she has figured out how to sit up on her own, she doesn't like to be flat on the ground, so she hasn't really been rolling over a lot since then.
My favorite development this past month was hearing her laugh. We were outside chatting with our neighbors and their dog was barking at us all. Izzy thought it was hilarious. I think we were all laughing at her little laugh before too long! It was pretty much the best sound ever; I might be bias though.
We have introduced a few more foods this last week. She loves sweet potatoes (knows what's good for her), bananas, apples, and pears. We will circle back to green beans here shortly and add in some carrots, peas, and pumpkin. I'm working on making our own baby food; so much cheaper. We bought a new blender for $32 from Target (thank you Cartwheel)! Our current blender doesn't have the puree setting, and frankly I think the thing is kind of worthless (bad research prior to purchasing on my end). So, we bought a little bit of an upgraded version with a few more bells and whistles. Tonight, I whipped up some cinnamon apples for her. She wasn't quite sure what to think initially, but she got into it after a few bites. The faces she makes when she she tries new foods are quite hilarious! We plan on doing a combination of purees and baby lead weaning. She is still working on the same stinking teeth... man do I hope these things come through soon. Since we hit six months, that also means we hit my second breastfeeding goal on our way to 1 year. No, she isn't exclusively breastfed, but some is better than none as I like to remind myself.
This past weekend, we had a blast with Andrew family celebrating Izzy. Luckily, she was in a good mood for us all and was quite the ham for everyone!
In case you are all sick of baby updates and ready some of the "classic blog content", have no fear our annual project season is here! This year we have decided to re-do the floors on our main level. After watching Buddy chew at the carpet in the living room looking for treat crumbs, and then watching Izzy rub her face in the carpet, I decided the carpet had to go. Andrew pulled up the carpet in our dining room today; I was seriously disgusted. I know the living room is going to be ten times worse. We will be putting down wood laminate, and I'm so looking forward to having something a little more sanitary on the floor. Stay tuned for the post project update!
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