
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Office Makeover

No, the projects never end in this house.  I know that is what most of you are wondering.  As some of you know, I work from home.  Yes, it's "nice" to work from home sometimes, but it is also a total pain.  No, I do not sit in my pj's all day.  I learned within the first few months of working at home that I accomplish more when I get up and semi get ready for the day.  Now, if you knock on my door in the middle of the day I will likely be wearing workout clothes or sweatpants.  I can promise you, unless I have a meeting that day, I likely wont be wearing makeup.  What isn't nice about working from home is the difficulty of staying focused.  With Andrew's odd ball hours, he is often home when I'm working, which at times makes it exceptionally difficult to stay on task.  He works mostly nights, so day hours are when we are able to talk.  However, trying to have a meaningful conversation while responding to emails doesn't work too well.  My job also entails a lot of time on the phone, which can be dodgy with two dogs.  The biggest reason why working at home stinks sometimes is that my work is there; all the time.  I don't get to "leave the office".  Frankly, I miss my commute, which was my unwinding time.  In the winter, if I didn't leave the house to go workout, it would be possible for me to go a whole week without setting foot outside to do more than check the mail.  That doesn't bode well for someone prone to seasonal depression.

But, enough about that.. on to the fun stuff.  Today, while trying to avoid work, I decided my office needed a makeover.  Currently, my office is a lovely shade of deep gray blue.  I can't remember the exact color, something from Valspar.

That is only one section of my office.  My desk is on the other side of the room.  But, the whole things needs a makeover.  It is cluttered, chaotic, and dark.  I guess after sitting in the space for 40 hours a week for a year and a half, I've decided I need something a little brighter.  Recently, I have been on a kick with pink and gold.  I love pink, always have and always will.  Something about the gold makes it classy and extra girly.  I thought I would also throw in some navy for kicks and grins.  So, I started pinning some ideas.


My first step tonight was picking up a can of gold spray paint!  I also picked up some paint cards while I was at Lowes.  I'm thinking one of the walls will be Navy.  the other three walls, I'm going to paint a light pink.  I'm going to use the gold spray paint on a few accessories I have on my desk right now.  Stay tuned for more updates at my plans for the office makeover unfold!  

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