
Friday, November 14, 2014

Master Bathroom Makeover

Our bathrooms have been the source of much drama and frustration this summer and into fall.  As you recall, we had the water leaking from the ceiling issue that we dealt with for several months.  After finally identifying the source of the issue, our master bath shower doors, we decided to just cut the problem out and not use that shower.  We thanked our lucky stars that we had a second bathroom to move into, and were content to move on about our lives.  However, as the weeks moved on, we both began to question exactly how long this relocation was going to last. 

While shelling out $4500 to replace the shower doors and fix the drywall the water ran onto sounds great, we don't exactly have that kind of cash sitting around.  I'm sure most of you can relate.  So, temporary fix to the rescue!  We picked up a tube of plumbers caulk and when Andrew took off to Texas for ten days for work, I set to work on re caulking the shower.  I figured while I was fixing up the bathroom, why not go all out.  Our bathroom cabinet is the original honey oak cabinet, and it is really starting to show its age.  At some point, we would like to gut the whole bathroom, but that point is not now. 

After googling a few things, and looking up a few more things on Pinterest, I set off to Lowes.  As a side note, it might be an indication that you spend too much time at Lowes when you get to the register and the woman knows your name.  I wont show you the whole makeover yet, because it isn't done.  But, I can show you some of the progress. 

 Lately, I have been on an anti-tape kick.  However, with this project I caved because there are some pretty tight corners to work around and I didn't want primer and paint everywhere in the bathroom.  

 Primed and ready to paint.

Ready to dry

The vanity before.... 

The vanity after painting.  The drawers and doors were removed to be painted in another room.

This project is on a tight budget.  After shelling out mucho dinero the past few months to identify the cause of the ceiling leak and then fixing the ceiling, reno funds are a little limited at the moment.  I will do an updated post when everything is finished and talk about the final budget for the project. 

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