
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

New Job, New Toy

I have to admit, I didn't realize it had been a month since I last posted.  In my defense, it has been a busy month.  As the title of this post suggests, I have a new job I will be starting on the 24th of this month!  I'm pretty darn excited for my new adventure.  I finish up with my current position on February 20th, so I will have a three day weekend before I head in for a week of training for the new job.  I have been on quite the adventure with job hunting the last month, but I am very happy with how things have turned out.  I know the company I will be working for next will be a wonderful company to work for and believe I will enjoy many happy years! It is true when they say looking for a job can easily be a full time job.  You can understand why that didn't leave me a ton of time to blog, but I hope to get back into the swing of things now. 

As a new job present for myself, I finally broke down and bought myself something I have been wanting for a while; a new Keurig machine!  I bought the mini since I already have a very nice large coffee maker.  I had my eye on this machine during Black Friday, but didn't end up purchasing it.  I talked myself out of it one of the multiple times I was at Target during Black Friday/After Thanksgiving weekend.  When I spotted this on sale at Younkers for $79.99 and then had an additional 10% of coupon, you know my love of coupons, I decided to bite. 

My normal work routine is to get a second cup of coffee in the afternoon around 2:30 PM; I bring my own coffee from home in the morning.  That serves as my afternoon pick me up, and gets me through until my workout.  My new job will have me working from home, so I wont have the opportunity to go and get my afternoon cup of coffee, which I know I will miss.  My morning coffee is regular Folgers coffee that I buy in the huge container, but my afternoon coffee is generally a yummy flavor.  I am particularly fond of the French toast and blueberry flavors they frequently have as flavors of the day at my coffee spot.  I like having flavored coffee and didn't want to have a million bags of coffee grounds open just so I wasn't drinking the same flavor every afternoon.  I know, this all sounds ridiculous, especially to those that don't drink coffee.  My coffee is serious business.  So, the Keurig is now going to be my afternoon coffee machine which will offer me yummy flavored coffees!  Call me crazy, but we are now a two coffee maker household. 

Here is my new toy!  I had it on the coffee station, but it was a little crowded, so the Keurig's home will be on the counter.

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