
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Friday Already?

I'm not sure where the weeks go really.  It seems like I pretty easily fall into a routine and before I know it, the weekend is here.  That's not to say that I don't complain about the week moving slowly during the week, because it does.  Tomorrow marks the day Andrew comes home from his work trip!  Everyone in the house is pretty excited to see him.  I'm not sure Maya is going to know what to do with herself; perhaps her pouting will come to an end. 

I kept meaning to post a picture on here of the newly repainted coffee station, but the nights kept getting by me.  A friend from work got me sucked into the show Mad Men, so I have been working my way through season 1 this week.  My friend has been talking this show up for months, and I am glad I finally had her bring me the DVD's to watch because I am totally entertained by it.  It reminds me of a paper I wrote my senior year in college and always makes my brain swim with ideas. 

So, here is the newly repainted coffee station:

you might remember this is what it looked like before:
I was trying to find a better before shot, but it looks like this is the only one I took back when the bookshelf was a bookshelf and it was up in my office.  The black and red go much better with the colors in the kitchen though.  I even gave the red bins a new coat of paint to make them a little more red. 
You can see I have my coffee mug tree that I love.  I really need a larger one because I have several coffee mugs that I love to use and display.  Right now, I only have room for four, but they are some of my favorites.  I love mugs with good saying on them.  My mom gave me one a few years back that is probably my favorite my it says "work with me people."  Someone knows my thoughts a little too well!  My other favorite is "the older I get the better I used to be."  My other two favorite ones are in the dishwasher, which is currently running, so those will have to be shared another time.

In other good news this week, I think we finally got our climate control issue figured out in the attic.  We had someone out this week to service our air conditioner, which I'm glad is in good working order because when he told me how much a new one runs I about died.  Probably should start saving up for those now!  I asked the guy about our issue with the temperatures upstairs and he suggested a couple of things.  We closed off the main vent down in the basement to force more air upstairs; I didn't really think we needed to be heating and cooling the basement.  He also taped up a couple of spots that were leaking air around the cold air returns down in the basement.  The other thing he suggested to us was to run the fan controlled on the thermostat all the time to keep air moving throughout the house.  Since it has been pretty warm out the last couple of days, it has been a good couple of days to test out the attic and see if it was livable.  I haven't had the air on except when it was in the 90's earlier this week, and it seems pretty good up in the attic.  It seems like with the fan going all the time air is moving around up there is it doesn't choke you out when you go up there.  This is good news guys! 

Well, time to call it a night and prepare to face my Friday.  Other than seeing Star Trek this weekend and the usual grocery shopping plans, I don't think we have anything big on the schedule for the weekend.  I think I see laundry in my future.... two weeks worth of laundry for someone that has been away (not naming names here).  It will be glad to enjoy a couple of days together this weekend with Andrew back in town. I see some walks with the dogs and ice cream runs in our weekend plans!

I will leave  you with a photo I took last night of the dogs while they were sleeping.  Buddy was keeping Andrew's spot warm as he has been most of the time he has been gone, and Maya was keeping watch at the door awaiting Andrew's return.  Do you think they are ready for him to come back?


  1. Fellow Mad Men lover over here, too!! I'm dying to see next season (the one that's currently airing) but we don't get cable so I have to wait. Boo. It's also on Netflix which is how we watched all of them. Best show!

    I love the coffee station. If we had more room I'd totally do that in our kitchen, too.

    1. Yay! I'm glad to know there are more people watching Mad Men! It sucks that I'm always getting involved in shows that are on cable and I can't watch while they are airing.
