
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Needed: Organization

Have any of you ever thought to yourself, I really need some organization in this place, but I'm totally lacking any thoughts on how to get organized?  If you have, I'm glad to hear it!  Now I know I am not the only one with this problem.  Since we moved into our house, I think I have been telling one of my friends at work that I need to get organized at the house, but don't know the how or what.  She and I like to browse vintage/junk shops, and I always hope something will reach out and grab me.  Clearly at this point, I have had no such luck. 

Case and point: our dining room table, or shall I say dumping ground.  I don't really know how or why the table got to this point, but it did.  I used to get so annoyed when I was growing up if the table was covered with stuff because then we couldn't eat dinner at the table.  Right now, we couldn't eat dinner at the table without an hour long cleaning session. 
Now you see the problem.  That's an empty laundry basket sitting on the floor there.  Why is it there you ask?  I really don't have an answer for that.  Then there is the old filter for the humidifier, some hats and scarves, an empty coffee cup from earlier this week, some random paper things, a book, some Valentines decorations getting lost in the mix, some things I need to return to someone, some things leftover from Christmas that I need to find something to do with, my coats, my workout bag, some empty boxes under the table, and a basket of laundry over on the other side with clothes I need to fold/hang up.  There is another thing, does anyone else hate folding laundry as much as I do?  Because I pretty much loathe it.  The sad part of that is, most of Andrew's laundry gets hung up so it is really only mine that gets folded.  

Again I go back to how does this happen?  Why haven't I thrown out the old humidifier filter?  That's a good question considering I could have taken it out last week with the trash.  Why don't I walk five more feet and hang up my coat on the coat hanger I bought?  Again, good question for which I have no answer.  If my mom were reading this, she would be laughing right now because this is the same problem I have had most of my life.  She would come home from work and get so mad at me because I would just drop my bag where I came in, along with my shoes and whatever else I had.  Seems I haven't really outgrown this problem. 

So, you may be asking what my proposed situation is.  Well, to cater to my laziness, I actually have come up with a solution.  We have an "unused" space behind our door that I'm thinking about making use of. 

I know it doesn't look that wide, but it is probably about a foot wide.  Yes, Andrew, before I do anything I am going to measure the space.  He gets so mad at me for not measuring things and just assuming they are going to fit.  Since I can't find anything exactly like I'm thinking online, I will draw a picture for you, aren't you excited now?

Now, let me explain this project.  I'm thinking of taking a board, or a cabinet door if  I can find one and painting it black like I have here in the picture.  Then, were you see our names, those are going to baskets for mail.  The white circles at the bottom are going to be hooks for coats since this is going by the front door and that is when we need coats.  I'm thinking this could work and might keep some clutter away.  Maybe in the blank space, I will put some sort of basket or something we can throw gloves and hats in because those also seem to always be hanging around. 
If anyone is looking for a status update on my craft/pinterest project of the week, you will be happy to know I did pick up the supplies yesterday and actually picked up the supplies for a second project.  I will post more details on that later.  I went to the Habitat for Humanity Restore yesterday looking for some supplies for a third project, but that was a no go.  While I was there, I was reminded why I like to shop there during the week; that place was a freaking mad house.  

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