
Monday, February 25, 2013

It's Project Time Again!

You know you are excited to see what project I have in store today!  OK, maybe you aren't as excited about this one as I am, but you should be.  Remember my idea I posted about a while ago for an organizer/mail station (I'm not sure at this point what I am calling it) for behind the front door?  Well, I'm finally getting around to doing it.  Actually, I have been working on it for a few weeks now, but with minimal success.  I was all about the idea the day I posted about it.  When we were at Target that day, I picked up some mail slots that were about $2 each.  Once I had the mail slots, I had to figure out what I was going to use as the backing.  I had a lot of ideas, but none of them seemed to work out.  I made multiple trips to the Habitat ReStore to check things out, but didn't have any success.  That was, until today!  Today was the final straw.  I wasn't going to take no for an answer when it came to finding a base for this project.  So, off to the Habitat ReStore I went, again.  They probably think I'm casing the place at this point.  Remember my initial idea, I think I posted it, to use a shutter?  Yeah, well that wasn't working out for me.  The ReStore didn't have any shutters other than plastic ones, and I wasn't dropping $50 to get one at a hardware store.  I know the plastic ones don't have to be painted and that is why people are using them, but they really do look, well, plastic.  My next idea was to use a board.  That didn't work out for several reasons.  To find a board thick enough to not have the mail slots rip out once they were screwed in, I was going to have to use a thick board.  Thick board, I found out, equals heavy board.  While I don't want a total limp bean on the wall, I also don't want something that is going to rip my whole wall off either.  So, out went the idea of the board.  While roaming around Home Depot on Saturday evening (I must look like I don't want to be messed with because they have started to leave me alone when I am roaming the aisles looking lost), I thought of another idea... fence sections.  Lovely in theory, but Home Depot didn't have any wooden fence panels in stock.  So, again, out went that idea.  I came home that night upset, and deflated.  I was checking out and found out they did have wooden fence panels in store, but that was as far as I got with that thought. 

This all brings me back to tonight, and my trip to the restore.  I checked to make sure they hadn't acquired any wooden shutters; they hadn't.  My next stop was the cabinet doors; they didn't have any of those either.  I moved on to plan c, which I didn't even know at the time.  Plan c turned out to be louver style bi fold doors.  The lady at the store when I checked out asked me if I was planning to use the doors as doors or for something else, I told her they were for something very different.  Once again while hauling these doors out, I was happy that I upgraded to the SUV.  I has come in handy more times that I can count. 

Tonight, I took the doors down to the basement and went to work.  First, I undid all the hinges that held the two doors together.  Then, I gave them a good cleaning to get the dust off.  Finally, I sanded down where the hinges were removed and any of the spots that were scratched.  I used a fine sandpaper so I didn't totally mess up the wood. 

Next, I busted out my black paint and paint brush and got to work.  I gave the first side two coats of paint, and will do the same with the next side tomorrow night.  I wanted to make sure the first side was fully dry before I turned it over.  And, because I am a totally impatient person, I used a hairdryer to help the first coat along so I could put the second one on.  How else was I going to have time to still post this tonight?

The corners and down into each slat were a pain in the butt, so I had to do each one individually

This is with two coats of paint drying in the basement.  Tomorrow night, I will flip it over and do two coats on the other side.  Technically, I wouldn't have to since the other side is going against the wall. 
Stay tuned this week as I finish up that project and post the final outcome.  Yesterday, worked on a few things around the house.  I did come much needed cleaning, and got the last of the Christmas stuff put away.  I still had Christmas decorations on the front porch, and I was tired of looking at them.  Plus, when I was at the craft show this past weekend, I bought a cute rabbit to go on the front porch for spring, and rabbits don't belong next to snowmen.  Here are the new spring front porch decorations.

And finally, my decoration for on top of the shelf by the back door...


Friday, February 22, 2013

An Update On The Non New Years Resolution

It's official, winter stinks. The only thing winter has going for it is that nothing is living, which means no allergies for me! There are about five months out of the year where I get to enjoy allergy free living, which means no allergy meds for five months. Sadly, we are on the home stretch with that for this year. I would say within the next month I will be busting out the meds again, hopefully before I get a sinus infection.

Now, on to the reasons why winter needs to be gone, NOW. It snowed, again, and is supposed to snow again in the few days. I'm over the whole thing. I'm ready for spring and flowers and green grass. I'm ready to be able to go on a walk with the dogs without looking like a marshmallow in all my winter gear. Just when my resurrection lilies were starting come up out of the ground, the snow hits and dashes my hopes for flowers. Why else does winter need to be gone; because I have absolutely no stinking motivation to workout. I want to stay inside, on my couch with a cup of coffee where it is warm. I have been trying to make myself workout after work at least one day each week. I know, it's lame, isn't it? Sometimes I get a workout in twice per week by getting in a Zumba class on Friday's at work. I always feel better when I workout, but that still doesn't give me the motivation to actually do it. I don’t know if I have actually gained weight since the first of the year, or if I just increasingly frustrated with the fact that my pants continue to be tight; but something has got to give, and it better not be the buttons on my pants. I refuse to buy more clothes at this point because I can't get off my lazy butt. I was reading an article I found last night on Pinterest that was talking about how to lose weight like a man. I always say, a man can do one workout and drop five pounds; I can look at a donut and gain those same five pounds. It just isn't fair. One of the things this article talked about was how men don't crave sweets. Well, I'm a woman and I crave sweets; deal with it. You have a brownie, let me hand you my plate.  What's that, it's Girl Scout cookie time? I will take ten boxes.

I have thought about signing up for a small group training class at work, but then I see the workouts they do and have heard people talk about the food plans they go on... there is no way I would last ten minutes on that thing. About the time someone told me I needed to cut coffee out in the morning, I would have to ask them if they had a death wish. Telling me I couldn't have coffee in the morning would be like telling a lion they could never have meat again. I don't recommend it. So, that leaves me with doing it on my own. I have dropped the weight before on my own, so I know I can do it again. Both times I have done it, it didn't really involve my diet either. I need to drag my ever increasing read end to the gym three times per week, and I need to stop making excuses for it. We have multiple gyms at work, so I really have no valid excuse. I have been to enough small group fitness classes to know the types of things I need to do, so again I have no valid excuse. Really, I just need to stop making excuses for a lot of things. There are a lot of buts in my life right now, and buts equal excuses. I would workout, but I can't afford the time away from work (lame). I would go back to school, but I don't know what I want to do or how we are going to afford it (valid, but also lame). I would find another job, but I hate job hunting and my job offers a lot of flexibility (also valid, but also lame). I would get the house organized, but I don't know where to start (true).

See, lots of buts in life. The thing about working out I just need to suck it up and do it. The thing about going back to school, I did take the first step and actually look into some programs and ask about tuition reimbursement through work; I consider that a step in the right direction. The statement about job hunting well, I go round and round on that one. Finally, the thing about organizing the house, I just need to start in one room and go from there.

So, there you have it; the update on the non resolution. It wasn't much of an update really. Sorry if you were looking for some grand update with pictures and success stories of dropping five pounds. I couldn't tell you if I have lost or gained weight. In fact, I couldn't tell you the last time I was on a scale. I base my weight loss a lot on how my clothes fit. If my pants don't make me look like a stuffed sausage, I must have lost weight. If I'm now to the point of not getting me "fat pants" zipped, I gained weight and we now have a serious problem.


Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sometimes A Girl Just Needs A Good Pair Of Shoes

I have to admit I have been in kind of a foul mood lately, especially when it comes to getting my projects at home done.  Work has left me feeling less than motivated lately, and really just leaves me feeling angry by the time I get home each night.  I can't say I'm bored at work, but unchallenged to the point of slamming my head into a filing cabinet; yes.  Needless to say, by the time I get home my projects are about the last thing on my mind.  This past week I did manage to get the Valentine's Day project done for Andrew from the dogs and I, so that is going to have to count as the project of the week.  I did actually also get two of my heart flowers made and put in my pot on the front porch, so I sort of got that project done too. 

Yesterday, Andrew and I did the responsible thing and got our taxes done.  Uncle Sam sure knows how to make a girl feel broke.  Afterwards, I wanted to go to the Habitat ReStore to check out the selection of shutters.  Yesterday morning while I was having my morning computer time, I decided a shutter would work great for my mail organizer project I posted about before.  I was really excited about the project when I went in to the ReStore, and not happy when I came out.  Selection was non existent, so I will have to check back in a couple of weeks.  I'm sure because of the time of year there aren't a lot of shutters to go around.  So, that project will have to wait a little longer; bummer. 

Generally when I'm in a prolonged foul mood, like I have been lately, I shop or clean.  Andrew generally knows to stay out of my way when I go on a cleaning spree; it usually means I want to be left alone to zone out.  Last weekend, however, I decided to shop.  I don't know about the rest of you, but after the holidays I was feeling a little broke.  But, there were some essentials I needed, so I had to break down and spend money I didn't want to spend.  I don't understand why makeup is so expensive, and you already know from my previous rant that bras are ridiculously expensive. The lovely lady helping me at Victoria's Secret was very informative, but when she told me it was 2 for $50/each I wanted to look at her and say, "is that all".   I had several favorite purchases that day, but the one that I felt really accomplished on were the shoes.  I have been on the hunt for two different kinds of shoes for over a year now.  I wasn't a pair of heels that weren't sky high, but still cute, in black and nude/tan.  Last weekend, my mission was accomplished.  I ventured to DSW, and as usual went straight back to the sale racks.  I know I'm not the only one that does this, and I have to say I have made some good finds there over the years.  However, last weekend I wasn't finding anything in the way of what I was looking for.  So, I was forced to venture where I don't like to go, which is out onto the floor with all the "regularly priced shoes".  As luck would have it, I made not one, but two awesome finds.  Both of these shoes I will be able to wear at work and not feel like my feet are going to fall off.  I have already tested the black pair and stood in them for about thirty minutes while waiting at a restaurant with no problems.  The older I get, the more I realize I am only fooling myself by trying to strap on high heels for a day at work, or any day that requires more than 10 inches of walking. 

Here is my new pair of nude shoes for spring:

Source: via Natalie on Pinterest

and my new pair of black ones:

Source: via Natalie on Pinterest

So, there you have it; my favorite purchase from last weekend.  Maybe this week I will actually get some motivation to work on another project.  On my trip to Hobby Lobby last week, I did get some supplies to make an Easter wreath that I'm pretty excited about!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Valentine's Day Again

Let me start out by saying I have never been a huge fan of Valentine’s Day. Ok, I probably was when I was in elementary school and we used to exchange valentines cards with candy. Once the dating game began, my dislike of Valentine’s Day began. Now that I'm married, I'm still honestly not a huge fan of the day. To make matters worse, I spent two Valentine’s Day's working in a floral shop. If you think Valentine’s Day is crazy in the candy aisle, try working at a flower shop. Crazy doesn't even begin to describe things around there. But, I love to watch people so Valentine’s Day in a floral shop is prime people watching time. My favorites were the men that came in after work on Valentine’s Day staring at the cooler with no clue what to get.

I have to be honest, I wasn't planning to get Andrew anything for Valentine’s Day this year, but I thought that was a little lame. So, I spent $20 and got him some of his favorite things; food! Andrew loves black jelly beans, so now he has a vase full to enjoy. He also loves different kinds of stuffed olives, so I bought him some feta stuffed olives. But, I think my favorite part of his gift is the card. The doggies and I are pretty proud of our project. Check it out!

My other favorite place to people watch during Valentine’s Day season is Victoria’s Secret. I just happened to be there this past weekend and got the enjoyment of watching a bunch of men lose their minds. I think that might be more lingerie than most of them have seen in their lifetime. Then, there were the women who stood looking at the different options probably thinking it was easier to pick out a bottle of wine or chocolates. I'm right there in that category, which is why I just bypass the whole thing. Here are just a few observations I have made over the years about Valentine’s Day:

1. Rather than standing at the flower shop wonder what kind of flower to get, why not find out what his/her favorite is before hand? Also, have the flowers delivered please, for the love. As a woman, nothing makes my day more than having flowers come to my desk. Yes, I like to show them off and feel special for a day.

2. If you are going to buy lingerie for your significant other, find out the right size before you go to the store. Lingerie isn't something to eyeball, and there is no better way to bring a girl down than to give her something too small; especially something like lingerie.

3. If you are going to buy chocolates, spring for the good stuff. As much as he/she might like M&M's, they aren't a Valentine’s Day gift. Spring for some Godiva or Lindt; get the good stuff.

4. If you are going to buy a bottle of wine, Valentine’s Day isn't the time to experiment with wines.

5. Men don't always have to be the ones to plan the Valentine’s Day festivities.

6. It isn't always about the money spent that matters, sometimes it really is the thought that counts. So you need to buy a $5 card? No, make one! Write a poem, write your feelings down on a card; it will mean more coming from the heart. You don’t have to go out to dinner, make dinner. Enjoy a candlelight dinner at home; make your favorite meal together.

I think this next one is the most important one:
7. Don't wait until Valentine’s Day to tell someone you love them. Make sure to tell your loved ones you love them every day. Do things for them every day: make breakfast, cook dinner, buy flowers, clean the house, do some laundry, buy some donuts for breakfast (ok, I put this one in here because I love breakfast), wash the car(s), bring some coffee home after buying donuts! You get the idea, it is the small things that count.

Just a small side note here, if you haven't read "The Five Love Languages" by Gary Chapman, I highly recommend the book. If you have read the book, you will probably recognize that most of these things I just mentioned fall under the acts of service category, which is where I score high on the love language scale. Taking out the trash goes a long way in my book!
Now that I have shared my thoughts on Valentine’s Day, I hope you all have a good one!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Pinterest Project Update

Alright, alright I know I have been a slacker this week with the posting.  Andrew's new schedule has thrown me off a bit.  Rest assured though, I did get some projects done this week.  I know last week I said I was going to do the Valentines Day Hearts as my pinterest project of the week.  I did actually go shopping for the supplies and start on the project.  However, I hit a couple of roadblocks with that project.  I thought I had floral tape, but it has gone off on an adventure somewhere in the house and has yet to be located.  For having a house less than 1000 sq. ft. you wouldn't things would get lost that easily, but they do.  I can tell you where it used to be before I took to organizing the closet it was in.  Now, I have no clue where it ran off too.  In my defense, Andrew said he remembers seeing it too.  So, my project for today is to find that so I can finish the project seeing as this week is Valentines Day.  I also got my snowmen and most of the remaining Christmas stuff put away.  I am done with snow and couldn't look at the adorableness of the snowmen any longer. 

I did manage to accomplish another Pinterest project this week, however.  While I was at Michaels this past weekend gather supplies for the project I was supposed to be working on, I came across a few things in the sale rack that I needed for another project.  Think of this as swapping out projects for the week.  This week, I promise I will finish the Valentines project.  Of course, but the time I finish up this one it is going to be time to decorate for Easter.

Here was the project this week:

I wasn't sure where I was going to put said project when I was done, but I knew we would make good use of it.  I decided to put this in the kitchen on the fridge door.  Right now, we are using it as a grocery list, which actually works out great.  I can't tell you how many times I am standing in the kitchen and think of something I need to get at the store that weekend, but by the time I make it to write it down I forgot what it was. 

So, here was my major score at Michaels:

I paid $1.00 for this frame! 
I didn't like the white frame, but I knew I had black paint at home so I could paint it pretty easily. The Plexiglass in this frame was pretty beat up, but in the end it doesn't really matter because we are writing on it and the paper in the frame hides that.   I think the frame was originally $24.99.  While I was at the store, I bought this frame a page of 12x12 scrapbook paper to go in the frame.  I also bought some strong magnets to go on the back of this because I knew I wanted to put it on the fridge.  If you are going to do this, do not cheap out and buy crap magnets, you will be mad.  The ones I bought came in a pack of four and had adhesive on one side to stick to the back of the frame.  I think the pack was $2.79, so really not that bad.  Total cost of the project considering I had the paint at home was less than $5.00. 
For this project, I took the Plexiglas out of the frame and cleaned it up the best I could.  This frame was intended to stand, so I took that piece off the back so it wasnt' causing problems.  While the Plexiglass was out of the frame, I painted the frame black with black craft paint intended for use on wood.  I had to do two coats of paint on the frame to really cover it.  Once the paint was dry, I put the Plexiglass back in, but the scrapbook paper in, put the back on, and attached the magnets.  My total project time was probably less than 30 minutes.  Now we have this frame on our fridge so I might actually remember what I need at the store.  Here is the finished product! 

Some of you may recognize your Christmas cards on our fridge.  We do put them up so we can admire our wonderful family and friends throughout the year.  If you sent us one and don't see it in the photo, I promise it is up there.  So, there you have it.  Pinterest project #1 is in the books! 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Needed: Organization

Have any of you ever thought to yourself, I really need some organization in this place, but I'm totally lacking any thoughts on how to get organized?  If you have, I'm glad to hear it!  Now I know I am not the only one with this problem.  Since we moved into our house, I think I have been telling one of my friends at work that I need to get organized at the house, but don't know the how or what.  She and I like to browse vintage/junk shops, and I always hope something will reach out and grab me.  Clearly at this point, I have had no such luck. 

Case and point: our dining room table, or shall I say dumping ground.  I don't really know how or why the table got to this point, but it did.  I used to get so annoyed when I was growing up if the table was covered with stuff because then we couldn't eat dinner at the table.  Right now, we couldn't eat dinner at the table without an hour long cleaning session. 
Now you see the problem.  That's an empty laundry basket sitting on the floor there.  Why is it there you ask?  I really don't have an answer for that.  Then there is the old filter for the humidifier, some hats and scarves, an empty coffee cup from earlier this week, some random paper things, a book, some Valentines decorations getting lost in the mix, some things I need to return to someone, some things leftover from Christmas that I need to find something to do with, my coats, my workout bag, some empty boxes under the table, and a basket of laundry over on the other side with clothes I need to fold/hang up.  There is another thing, does anyone else hate folding laundry as much as I do?  Because I pretty much loathe it.  The sad part of that is, most of Andrew's laundry gets hung up so it is really only mine that gets folded.  

Again I go back to how does this happen?  Why haven't I thrown out the old humidifier filter?  That's a good question considering I could have taken it out last week with the trash.  Why don't I walk five more feet and hang up my coat on the coat hanger I bought?  Again, good question for which I have no answer.  If my mom were reading this, she would be laughing right now because this is the same problem I have had most of my life.  She would come home from work and get so mad at me because I would just drop my bag where I came in, along with my shoes and whatever else I had.  Seems I haven't really outgrown this problem. 

So, you may be asking what my proposed situation is.  Well, to cater to my laziness, I actually have come up with a solution.  We have an "unused" space behind our door that I'm thinking about making use of. 

I know it doesn't look that wide, but it is probably about a foot wide.  Yes, Andrew, before I do anything I am going to measure the space.  He gets so mad at me for not measuring things and just assuming they are going to fit.  Since I can't find anything exactly like I'm thinking online, I will draw a picture for you, aren't you excited now?

Now, let me explain this project.  I'm thinking of taking a board, or a cabinet door if  I can find one and painting it black like I have here in the picture.  Then, were you see our names, those are going to baskets for mail.  The white circles at the bottom are going to be hooks for coats since this is going by the front door and that is when we need coats.  I'm thinking this could work and might keep some clutter away.  Maybe in the blank space, I will put some sort of basket or something we can throw gloves and hats in because those also seem to always be hanging around. 
If anyone is looking for a status update on my craft/pinterest project of the week, you will be happy to know I did pick up the supplies yesterday and actually picked up the supplies for a second project.  I will post more details on that later.  I went to the Habitat for Humanity Restore yesterday looking for some supplies for a third project, but that was a no go.  While I was there, I was reminded why I like to shop there during the week; that place was a freaking mad house.