
Saturday, July 14, 2012

Week In Review

This week was a little odd because Andrew was home on vacation.  I have to admit I always feel a little out of sorts when he is home at night because I am used to it being just Buddy and I at night, not that I’m complaining.  We did some pretty awesome things this week though.

Tuesday night we caught some DCI groups when they were in town.  For anyone that hasn’t seen a DCI performance, I’m sorry. You are missing out on a great time.  Here is  a link to the website, and selfishly I’m linking in to a video of my favorite group!  DCI

Wednesday night we headed out to the zoo for a little wine and some time with the animals.  Holy cow, I haven’t been to the zoo in a while obviously, they have done a ton of work!  I had fun checking out all the water animals, they are always my favorite.  One of the wallaby’s had a little Joey it was carrying around… adorable!

Last night we headed out to Andrew work (yes, I realize he was on vacation this week) to help cook up some burgers and bratwursts as a reward for having I think a couple of months with no injuries.  It was fun to meet some of the people he works with and put some faces with names. 

Now here is something I’m pretty excited about, you ready….. Tonight, we bought all the brick for the path.  That’s right, we have the brick which means maybe, just maybe, we will have a path at the end of the weekend.  If we have a path, I will be sure to post pictures! 

Our plan of attack for tomorrow is to hit up the farmers market early (please people in town if you could hold off on going until later in the morning that way we can get a good parking spot J).  Then, we are going to come home and Andrew is going to work on the path while I finish cleaning the deck and getting it totally ready to stain.  We really want to get it done before it once again turns ridiculously hot out.

That is all for now, off to bed in preparation for our full day tomorrow.  If all goes according to plan, I should end tomorrow with a corn dog! 

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