Did any of us really foresee 2020 playing out like this? But somehow, despite it all, we have made it to the end of August.
Photo Credit to Chelsea Kyaw Photo
Classes start for me again August 24th. I'll be starting my final year at Drake Law School, which is a little bittersweet. Classes look nothing like I thought they would when I started off two years ago. I will be doing a mix of in person and online classes. I took a couple of courses over the summer, both of which were completely online. It wasn't ideal, but it worked. I guess that's a summary of this year... not idea but we made it work.
The summer has flown by at an alarming rate and it seems like I have lived a partial lifetime since classes ended in May. I took a two week accelerated class at the beginning of June. I enjoyed the accelerated format more than I thought I might and it was a quick way to knock out two credits. At the end of June, I made my way out to Colorado for some much needed R&R with my new favorite traveling companion. While I was out in Colorado, I received news that my grandfather had passed away. My last memory of him is the great conversation he and I had in January and I'm thankful that he and I shared that time. I have lots of great memories of him from my younger days most of which involve the marina and the mouse hole at the lake. Life it so precious and I think this year has really served as a reminder of that.
Izzy continues to be Izzy. We have had a full summer. Fireworks, swimming, potty training, toddler bed conversion and mom denying that this bundle of energy is about to turn four in a month. I have seen so many changes in her this summer. She was with her dad while I was in Colorado, and coming back after not seeing her for a week was like seeing a whole new kid. She talks constantly and asks every question I never knew existed. She loves water, music, reading and bubbles. Her favorite colors are still pink and purple. As we roll closer to four, I have seen more of her personality come out and less of the toddler 'tude (hallelujah). She still loves to curl up in my lap and read before bedtime. I try to remind myself, even on the nights I'm rushed to get her to bed so I can do homework, that these moments will not last forever.
In the interest of keeping my personal life private, I have kept a pretty low profile for things not pertaining to Izzy over the last few years. However I'm happy to share some exciting news!
With the help of my parents, he was able to pull off a massive surprise while we were on vacation in Colorado. Other than being excited to wear a pretty dress, Izzy is a little too young to really understand the concept of engagement. For her, life continues on as normal.
My summer rounded out taking the MPRE, which is our professional ethics exam, and taking another accelerated class. Hot on the heels of finishing class I was sworn in as a student attorney and will be working in the legal clinic on campus this fall. I'm really looking forward to the opportunity and experience.
For now, I'll leave you all with a few photos of Izzy being completely in her element out in nature running around!