
Monday, July 29, 2019

Mid-Summer Updates

Listen, I know it's technically beyond the mid-summer point, but please  let me continue to think it's not.  I just wrapped up my summer class last week, and now I finally feel like I can enjoy what's left of summer.  I have been knee deep in work, class and trying to enjoy every minute of summer I can. 

Izzy and I have had a great summer so far.  We hit a couple of parades for the 4th of July and Summerfest back in the home town.  Izzy loved watching grandma in the 4th of July parade and seeing all the tractors and fire trucks! 

She took swim lessons for the first time this summer.  Unfortunately, I think we hit the coldest week of the summer, so she missed one of the days due to weather.  I was nervous putting her in a structured swim class, but she did alright.  This kid just loves playing in the water!   

We still have lots left on the books for this summer.  We hope to hit the zoo with papa and grandma this coming weekend.  Next week is the Iowa State Fair parade, which should be another fun experience for her.  I also hope to get her to the State Fair at some point.  She hasn't been since she was a baby.  Although, as I tell her nightly, she will always be my baby! 

We are in the throws of toddler-hood.  Man, it's fun.... said no parent ever!!! Full on tantrums over the wrong cup, the wrong shirt, the wrong look... you name it, she can throw a fit over it.  Some days I wonder if this stage or pre-teen/teen will be worse.  Talk to me 10 years from now and I might have a different outlook on the situation. 

Izzy had her second dentist appointment earlier this month.  I didn't think the first trip went well, but the second was terrible.  She screamed from the time she got in the chair.  It was loads of fun... kidding... it was awful.  I don't know what her issue was. She locked her jaw and wanted nothing to do with the dentist looking at her teeth.  She isn't a huge fan of brushing her teeth, but I tell her it isn't really an option and most nights I end up brushing her teeth for her after she gets done sucking all the water off the brush. 

Our latest and greatest battle is cutting out the bottle.  Judge all you want, the kid loved her milk in a bottle at bedtime. Finally this last weekend I told her it was gone.  It was hard for mama to cut the tie too and admit she isn't a baby anymore.  I don't really want to admit she is going to be three in two months. 

Daycare works with her on potty training, but I still haven't taken on that task yet at home.  She does a pretty good job of telling us when she is wet or dirty, but she hasn't taken a huge interest in the idea of potty training with any consistency.  She's stubborn like her mama, and I think the whole this is going to have to be on her time and be her idea.  Now that I'm done with class, we might try and tackle this mountain before I start class again in a month. I'm still looking for my patience pants in the back of my closet though...

She got her second haircut in May.  She did a pretty good job sitting 
still for the most part.  Might have something to do with the 
20 suckers we had to bribe her with! 

Just a quick glimpse into our summer so far! 

I continue to be amazed with the things she is learning.  She and I have regular conversations about her day and we are really working on understanding feelings and appropriately expressing them at the moment.  I'm trying to help her understand we don't get to throw things and hit people when we are frustrated or upset.  I have discovered sometimes she just needs a hug from mama.  Don't we all!  She has never been a snuggler, but more and more when she is acting out I'm reminding myself to stop what I'm doing and listen to what she's trying to tell me.  It's hard on the days I feel like going a hundred different directions, but she deserves my attention.  

I'm excited to enjoy what's left of summer before classes start.  It's hard to believe I have one year of law school under my belt.  It wasn't easy.  It really wasn't easy with a toddler, the divorce, selling the house, and moving.  But, that is all behind us now.  This last year has been a year of a lot of tears, a lot of struggle, but a lot of growth.  A lot of joy and a lot more laughter.  I'm at peace with my current path and I see that reflected in Izzy and honestly even in good old Maya!  

I hope everyone is enjoying summer and finding things to be thankful for through the ups and downs of life.