
Friday, August 31, 2018

23 Months Old

One more month... one more month until we hit the terrible twos!  I look back at pictures from a year ago and can't believe how much Izzy has changed.  Last year she was just starting to walk and she wasn't really talking.  Now she's a walking, talking machine.  

She's holding at 30 lbs; she feels like quite the load when I pick her up.  She's right around 36 inches tall; once again on upper end of the range for her age.  She's in size five diapers still; have I mentioned I'll be glad when those are a thing of the past?  She's holding pretty firm at 2T clothes.  Some pants she still wears 24 months in.  I have a feeling we might run into issues with pants for her this fall.  Some of the 2T shorts she has are too big in the waist, and end up being around her butt by the end of the day.  I'm guessing 24 month pants are going to be too short for her this fall, so we might have some pant falling down issues.  We've already encountered issues with dresses being too short... even though it's her diaper sticking out the bottom of dresses, we don't need to start that trend now.  

Izzy's amassing quite the shoe collection.  She ranges between sizes five and six for shoes.  Size six shoes are a little too big still, but she has some awesome size 6 boots to wear this fall!  This weekend, we are getting her two year pictures taken, and I'm totally excited!  Although, I really hope she cooperates a little better than she did with her first year pictures.  In her defense, we took those photos the day after getting back from vacation last year and she had been stuck in the car a lot, had too much fruit (hello upset tummy), and was working on a couple of teeth.  This year, we are only working on a couple of molars that have so far been a non issue.  Fingers crossed the happy Izzy shows up for photos! 

This girl loves music and loves to dance.  She isn't afraid to get her grove on and shake her booty.  She cracks me up; she can't sit still when a good beat comes on.  I often see her wiggling in her car seat while we are driving.  She also always has a book in her hands.  She loves to have me read to her, but she's starting to get particular about reading her own stories too.  Most nights when I pick her up from daycare, she sitting in the corner reading.  Speaking of daycare, she is doing quite well.  Now that summer is over, they are getting back to a curriculum.  Although she isn't in preschool yet, they are working with her the basics like numbers, letters and colors.  The other night she blew me away when she counted to three unprompted.  She still gets her colors confused, but she's cute when she shows me a red leaf and tells me it's purple.  They have also been working on potty training at daycare.  I'm not pushing the matter at home just yet.  As she becomes more aware of the concept, however, she has started announcing whenever anyone goes to the bathroom, so that's fun!  If you come over, prepare to have it announced when you go to the bathroom... you've been warned.   

I finally got Izzy's first dental appointment on the books.  Better late than never.  It's still a battle to brush her teeth, so I'm hoping the dentists office isn't totally traumatizing.  Luckily, the appointment isn't until October, so we have a little while to prepare.  Now that we are rounding the corner into September, I'm looking forward to all the fun fall things with Izzy in the coming months.  Hopefully we will enjoy another trip to the pumpkin patch in October, and some trick r treating at Living History Farms.  I hope we make it out to do some apple picking this fall too.  

Things at the house got a little crazy two weeks ago when my law school classes started.  I'm busy, but it's a good kind of busy.  I love being back in the classroom.  I love the mental exercise; I love the challenge.  The days are long with all the readings and trying to get time in with Izzy while putting in as much time at work as possible, but I wouldn't trade it.  I'm beyond grateful for the opportunity I have to chase a long time dream.  I know Izzy wont remember the long nights and the stacks of books covering the house.  Hopefully what she does remember is  mommy loves her and made time for her and to always chase your dreams even when the path isn't clear.  

Thursday, August 2, 2018

22 Month Update

Again, I'm a week or so late on this update... it's getting harder and harder to get these things done on time, and life is weeks away from getting even crazier.  Izzy is constantly on the go these days.  I am grateful that she can entertain herself for a bit; it allows me to get some things done while she is awake.  Although, she is never too far from my side. 

She's grown a fair bit this month.  She shot up to 35" and is weighing in at just over 30 lbs. this month.  She is wearing size 5 diapers.  For clothes, she is mostly in 2T.  She has a few 3T things that she wears. Mostly tops for the length and dresses.  The 24 month items she wears are mostly shorts.  For shoes, she's in size 5's and some 6's.  I'm finding there is quite a bit of variation in sizing for the different brands of shoes.  I think for the fall, she will probably be wearing 2T and 3T tops and 2T pants. 

 That face!!!

Have I mentioned Izzy's love of all things water?  She loves splashing around.  I bought a bigger pool for her for the last part of the summer.  She loves it!  Every morning she looks out the patio door and says "bye bye splash splash". 

Izzy's other favorite thing is bubbles.  I can't hind them from her; she finds them no matter where they are at!  She hasn't quite figured out how to blow bubbles.  She gets it every once in a while, but mostly we just drench the deck in bubbles. 

This month we also tried out a bath bomb that we got on Amazon Prime day!  She wasn't sure what to think at first, but loved it after it started to color the water.  It smelled amazing too!

We experienced a bit of my childhood with the Summerfest parade.  We actually made it to two parades this year.  She was better prepared the second time around for capturing candy.  Mostly, I think people loved her adorable face and just threw some candy her way.  I told her she might have to work for it at some point!

We tried our first corn on the cob this month!  The first bite she ate only the end, but she got the hang of it quickly.  She made pretty good work for it for her first time around!

 Izzy's first selfie!  

Izzy's room at daycare is working on potty training.  She's gotten pretty good about telling us when she has gone number two and immediately wants out of her diaper.  Seems like potty training might be in our future... HELP ME!!! 

Her vocabulary has really expanded this last month.  She started stringing words together and chats up a storm now.  I've started monitoring my words more because she has started to repeat the things I'm saying.  It's hard to believe we are rounding the final corner on two years old!  

This next month is going to get crazy!  Law school orientation starts on the 14th and classes start on the 20th.  I'm terrified, but excited!  It's been 8 years since I was in school, I hope I remember how to study...