Our first milestone this month was celebrating Buddy's 14th birthday! It's hard to believe he is 14; most days he acts like he's 5. He has been battling pain in his back again the last month or so. It started just before Christmas. I was hoping we would be able to kick it with a quick round of steroids, but this took a full on round of meds and acupuncture treatment. Luckily, I think we are finally coming out of it and he seems to be doing well. As usual, we celebrated with a pupcake for both he and Maya.
Izzy continues to develop her personality. She loves to dance; she must have my genes. Daddy is already a little concerned about some of her dance moves. I have assured him they wont last.
We seem to have some discrepancies on Izzy's height. At her 12 month appointment with the doctor, she measured 32". When I measure her at home, she is only measuring about 31". I'm guessing she moved her head the last time we measured her at the doctors office. She was due to go back to the doctor at the end of December for her 15 month checkup. With all of the germs floating around right now, I have no interest in taking her into the clinic. We will get there once this round of germy winterness passes. Until then, we will say she is measuring just shy of 32". Needless to say, I'm not sure she has really grown much since turning a year old. She did actually gain a pound this last month and is now up to 26 lbs and 4 oz. I can explain this by the pound of green beans she ate just before I weighed her!
Meal time is always a treat with Izzy. One minute she loves cheese, the next day she wants nothing to do with it. She was totally into goldfish crackers for a while. I bought a bunch at the store and suddenly she wants nothing to do with them. I can't keep up. I'm sure you experienced parents are laughing as you read this and thinking, "welcome to the club".
We are still in 18 months month clothes, but I have pulled out a few 24 month things. I stock piled quite a few 24 month winter clothes that I want to make sure she gets some use out of before the end of winter. I thought I had been collecting some clothes for this summer, but when I went through Izzy's clothes this week I realized I don't have near as many things as I thought. Before I hit up my favorite consignments shops for spring and summer clothing, I'm going to wait and see if this little sassy pants is about to go through another growth spurt. I have a hunch we are going to land somewhere in the 24 month to 2T range for the summer. Shoes are another tough one right now. We blew through size 4 shoes quickly, so I stocked up on size 5 shoes for the winter and a few size 6 shoes for the summer. However, her feet have slowed, and now I'm not sure she will make it to size 6 by the summer. At this point, I've stopped buying clothes for the next season!
This month we have been lucky to enjoy some time outside. Izzy had her first exploration in the snow. She couldn't really move in all of her snow gear, but she seemed to enjoy it anyway. She chased after Maya while Andrew threw snowballs. Buddy stayed inside and enjoyed the warmth. With his old age comes an intolerance for the cold. We have a busy February in store for all of us. I have a big test coming up next weekend, Andrew has some travel for work, and Izzy will have her first Valentines Day party at daycare. Through it all, I try to remember to enjoy to the day to day. She's growing up quickly, and I don't want to miss a minute.