I got the garage painted a few weeks back. It took a couple of days, and thankfully it wasn't as hot as it has been the last few weeks. We decided to go with a dark gray color to hopefully hide some of the dirt.
The garage before; all cleaned out and all our junk moved to the middle.
Painted and things being moved back to their spot!
Andrew took my desk that I replaced from the basement, so hopefully this will keep his stuff a little more contained and organized in the garage...
After the garage was painted, we had to put it back together to get ready for a garage sale. This past weekend, we had a very successful two day garage sale. Several of our neighbors turned out for the sale, so it was nice to finally meet a few of them after living here for two years! We actually do have a very friendly neighborhood!
On Saturday, the final bulb in our kitchen light went out. The light has been cracked since we moved in, and we have talked about replacing it multiple times. So, we went out and bought a new light to put in the kitchen. It provides a little more light in the kitchen and updates the look of the room.
I know the before photo is hard to see, but it is a standard white plastic light with fluorescent bulbs.
Proof that we have been getting a few things accomplished since finishing the bathroom!